[postlink]https://spaceloop.blogspot.com/2009/03/fox-and-hens.html[/postlink]The fox and the hens
3/24/2009 12:37:00 PM


Our hens – two Black Stars and a Bluebelle.

I like hens. When I was a child, my grandmother kept hens. When we visited her, we could help her feed the hens. We thought she had hundreds of hens, but actually I think she had 40 or 50. They lived in hen houses in her garden, and during the day they ran around in hen runs. Every week, a man with a lorry stopped at her house to collect the eggs for sale.

A “hen” is, of course, a female bird. A male bird is called a cock, or a cockerel. His job is to look beautiful and make lots of noise. Just like a man, in fact. Very often, people say “chickens” when they mean hens, though strictly a chicken is a baby bird. Hen meat which you buy in a supermarket is always called “chicken”. It sounds so much better than “hen meat”!

My grandmother, however, did not call her hens “hens”. She talked about her “fowl“. Fowl is an old word meaning birds which are kept or hunted for their meat or their eggs. Another word which you may hear is “poultry“. Poultry just means birds kept for their meat or their eggs. A poultry farm is a farm where they keep large numbers of birds, sometimes in big sheds, or sometimes in tiny cages called “battery cages”.

My wife and I have our very own poultry farm, only a few kilometers from the centre of Birmingham. Last summer, we bought three hens, a hen house and a little hen run. The hens grew big and fat, they wandered round our garden and they laid big, brown eggs. The hens were happy. We were happy.

Then disaster struck. A fox killed one of our hens, and then another one. We gave the last hen to some friends who also keep hens, because she was lonely by herself.

Last weekend, we went to a poultry breeder to buy three new hens. There is a photo of them on the website, and – I hope – on your iPod screens. Like my grandmother, the poultry breeder does not call them “hens”. She describes them as “pullets”, which means a hen which has not started to lay eggs yet. In fact, they are what the breeder calls “point-of-lay” pullets – that is, birds of about 16 weeks which will shortly start laying.

What are our new hens or pullets like? They are all hybrid hens, that is they are a mixture of different types or breeds of hen. Many hen-keepers like hybrid hens because they are strong and lay lots of eggs. two of our hens are of a hybrid type called Black Star. The third hen is a Bluebelle. She is very aristocratic. Like human aristocrats, she is big, beautiful and slightly stupid. Yesterday, we found our first egg. Well done, hens!

We shall have to keep our hens in their hen run for most of the time, and not let them wander in the garden, otherwise the fox will get them too. There are foxes in most British cities. Indeed there may be more town foxes today than country foxes. There is an old English sport called fox hunting. Special dogs called fox-hounds find a fox, and chase it across the fields and through the woods, until they catch and kill it. The hounds are followed by people riding horses. There has been a lot of controversy in recent years about fox-hunting. Some people say that it is cruel to let fox-hounds chase and kill foxes. Other people say that it is important to reduce the number of foxes. There have been some changes in the law about fox hunting in the last few years, which restrict the sport but do not prohibit it.

At one time, I thought that fox hunting was very cruel. Now I am a hen keeper again, I think that it should be legal to hunt foxes with tanks and machine guns if you want to.

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The fox and the hens


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[postlink]https://spaceloop.blogspot.com/2009/03/dios-nos-escucha.html[/postlink]Desde Diciembre del año pasado (2008) me han sucedido mil y una cosas, he sido y he actuado, he dicho y he pensado mas no habia notado lo que ahora escribo.

Se dice en la doctrina catolica, que Dios nos ve, Él es Omnipotente y esa palabra no tiene sentido hasta que la experimentas y todavia así no lo aceptas, no lo crees, no te das cuenta.

Debes tener el corazón bien abierto y los ojos bien cerrados, por que de la vista no solo nace el amor, sino tambien las tentaciones.

Cuando quieres acercarte mas a Dios, te pasan cosas que nunca habian ocurrido en tu vida, a veces sientes que la suerte te sonríe por que una nueva conquista llama a tu puerta (pero no a tu corazón), tienes más oportunidades de recibir dinero y poder pero haciendo cosas que no son necesariamente correctas, y lo unico que piensas es que hay que aprovechar las oportunidades.

Despues de aprovechar esas "oportunidades" te empiezan a pasar cosas malas y no sabes por que la "suerte" te ha abandonado, no sabes por que la buena fortuna ya no te acompaña, y lo que ha pasado es que has caido en el cebo, has mordido el ansuelo, gozaste de lo malo pensando que era bueno, y ahora todo reacciona como debe ser.

Si aceptaste algo robado es probable que te lo reclamen o que no funcione como tu esperabas, por lo consiguiente te habrás quedado sin dinero cuando pudiste haber invertido en algo más útil para ti o para alguien más que lo necesitara.

Si Gozaste de la lujuria o el morbo seras expuesto y deberás aceptarlo, pedir perdon podría ayudarte pero no lavar tu nombre, solo que la gente a quien has dañado te de otra "segunda oportunidad".

Si has robado lo que sea, no te durará mucho, nada de lo que hagamos mal durará para siempre, por que nunca nos llenará ese eterno vacio que sentimos por que ese agujero esta en nuestro ser, y el único que lo puede llenar es el Espiritu Santo, no un lujo, no una mujer o un hombre, no el dinero, nunca el poder sobre los hombres.

El que piensa que tiene el poder en la tierra debería arrodillarse ante Dios por que en el cielo nadie tiene tanto poder como El Señor.

El que siente que tiene poder sobre los hombres debería agradecer al Dios y pedirle al Señor que actue por medio de él ya que lo maravilloso que hagamos no es por que simplemente asi debe ser, sino por que Dios así lo quiso.

Ahora piensa bien, si ahora estas gozando de las mieles del deseo y la pasion, de la comodidad del dinero y la hostentosidad, ¿De que sirve tanto lujo y tanta carne si ofendes a los que amas? si piensas que nadie se entera, estas equivocado(a).

Dios tiene muchos caminos para llegar a tu corazón, por medio de un amigo, de un desconocido, de una imagen, de una palabra o de un objeto, siempre algo te recordará lo mal que has hecho y lo bien que podrías hacer si te arrepientes y sonries como un hombre libre.

Te aseguro que te sentiras mejor, mas contento, con más suerte si te acercas a Dios, oras y le dedicas unos minutos a la paz, tu corazón y tus nervios te lo agradeceran, tu cabeza se despejara y tu presión arterial te gratificará. Tus amigos lo notarán, tus seres queridos te amarán más y Dios te recibira con los brazos abiertos y con un coro de ángeles cuando ya estes listo.

De lo contrario... al llegar tu fin, repentino o no, sufriras en ese ultimo aliento por no haber corregido tu camino.

Suerte !!!

Dios nos escucha


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